last chapters of Acts speak of St. Paul’s journey to Rome. Arrested in
Jerusalem, he was tried by the Roman procurator, Porcius Festus. Paul, claiming
his right as a Roman citizen, appealed to be heard by Caesar himself. The
procurator acceded, “You have appealed to Caesar; to Caesar you shall go” (Acts 25:12). Acts
concludes by saying that, once in Rome St Paul lived under guard “two whole
years in his own rented house, and received all who came to him, preaching the
kingdom of God” (Acts
As a Roman citizen, St Paul was ultimately beheaded. St Peter’s connection with
Rome is not documented in Scripture, but written evidence from as early as the
second century attests that he was thought to have preached there, where he was
crucified upside down at his own request, feeling unworthy to die in the same
way that Jesus did. Two great churches were built over their burial places in
the fourth century by St Constantine the Great. He erected St Peter’s on the
Vatican Hill, which was replaced in the sixteenth century by the basilica we
see today. Following modern excavations the bones of a man in his 60s was
unearthed there and on June 26, 1968 Pope Paul VI announced that the relics of
St. Peter had been identified.
also commissioned St Paul’s Outside the Walls which has been enlarged and
rebuilt several times in the succeeding centuries. The saint’s body lies in a
crypt below the altar, except for his head which is enshrined in the pope’s
cathedral, St John Lateran.
history the Church of Rome has been considered pre-eminent because of the
presence of these two apostles. Tertullian perhaps expressed it best: “What a
happy Church that is, on which the apostles poured out their whole doctrine
with their blood; where Peter had a passion like that of the Lord, where Paul
was crowned with the death of John [the Baptist, by being beheaded].”
The Church Praises the Apostles:
With what garlands of praise shall we
crown Peter and Paul, the greatest of the heralds of the Word of God, distinct
in their person, but one in spirit – the one the chief of the apostles, the
other who labored more than all the rest? Christ God, who is most merciful,
fittingly crowned them both with diadems of glory and immortality.
What songs of praise could be worthy of
Peter and Paul? They are like two wings on which the knowledge of God spreads
out to the far ends of the earth and soars aloft to Heaven, two hands from
which the Gospel pours forth grace, two feet on which the doctrine of truth
travels about the world, two rivers of wisdom, two arms of the cross through
which the merciful Christ casts down the pride of demons!
With what spiritual songs shall we praise Peter and Paul? The voices of the fearful Sword of the Spirit, the illustrious ornament of Rome, the delight of the whole world, the God-inspired tablets of the New Testament, conceived and uttered in Sion by Christ, the all-merciful God!
With what spiritual songs shall we praise Peter and Paul? The voices of the fearful Sword of the Spirit, the illustrious ornament of Rome, the delight of the whole world, the God-inspired tablets of the New Testament, conceived and uttered in Sion by Christ, the all-merciful God!